
Various projects with artists and poets and collaborative ventures with other letterpress printers.

4 Megahertz. Awake

Film of a book made with Maria Stadnicka for Art, Science and Creativity at the Liverpool Central Library. Double concertina with digitally printed/letterpress/woodcut and handwritten elements; 2024

Cowboys - Fence

One of a series of three books made with Noelle Griffiths - Fence, Wilderness and Home using original material from the backs of 1960’s Kelloggs Cornflake packets collected by her mother. Edition of 4; 24 x 17cm; digital version 2022; Letterpress version 2024


Contribution for Posted/Unposted British Isles published by Codex Polaris, curated by imi Maufe and Angie Butler. 24 envelopes and content by different artists. Letterpress and relief print on tympan paper; 22 x 15cm; edition of 40; 2020


Short film made for Printed Poetry symposium and exhibition at the Arnolfini, Bristol, organised by Angie Butler & Sarah Bodman of CFPR. The film, a collaboration between Maria Stadnicka and Andrew Morrison documents the writing and printing of Maria’s poem Domestication, made during Covid lockdown 2021

Event Horizon

Event Horizon - Poem by Nigel McLoughlin. Series of prints made for the exhibition Duplex, initially in Groningen, Netherlands then touring, that encouraged artist/poet collaborations. Letterpress and screenprint; edition of 10; 50 x 36cm; 2015

Singles Remind me of Kisses

Singles Remind me of Kisses - A print from a series of printed song fragments by Squeeze lyricist Chris Difford; a collaboration of over 20 different posters. Letterpress and screenprint; edition of 100; 2013


Typewriter poem with Maria Stadnicka for ToCall magazine #20 (PSW Gallery) celebrating Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt. Originally written with an Olympia the published copy printed with a gestetner 320; 2024


Poem by Rosie Miles, for her Poetry & Illustration project, using wooden and metal type; edition of 6; 86 x 35.5cm; 2011

No Delete Key

Booklet from a typewriter workshop at the Museum in the Park, Stroud, Gloucestershire. Contains the work of over 25 artists and poets, cover image by Andrew Heath. Typewriter and digital print, staple bound, edition of 50; 2014


Series of 12 poem postcards in a boxed set, numbered through a hole matrix. Texts by Maria Stadnicka. Letterpress printed and published by Kerbstone Press. 16 x 12cm; Unlimited edition; 2024

Country of Large Rivers

Poem by Etel Adnan, letterpress print by Andrew Morrison. Made for Beau Beausoleil’s al-Mutanabbi Street Broadsides project 2016

At Eye Level

Poems by Maria Stadnicka, collages by Mark Mawer, book design and print by Andrew Morrison. At Eye Level was a book, an exhibition and a series of collaborative productions - see also the postcards in the Prints and Cards section. Letterpress and ink-jet printed; edition of 50; 24.5 x 17cm; 2020


A book made during a residency at Haslemere, Surrey, organised through Farnham Maltings Art Centre. It contains prints of the tools of local craftspeople, made with their assistance – this page is of Syrian-born weaver Anas al Akhoann. Letterpress and gum arabic print; Japanese binding; edition of 4; 2016


A print with Roy Hubbard from the Floriate XII series; graphite powder drawing with letterpress text; edition of 40; 57 x 36cm; 2014

Open West catalogue

A hand-printed catalogue for Lyn Cluer Coleman and Sarah Goodwin’s Open West exhibition made for the first three years of its occurrence – in which each contributing artist had their own page. The image is of #3; screenprint and letterpress; concertina; edition of 100; 21 x 21cm; 2012


Souvenir booklet from an Arts Festival project at the University of Gloucestershire in Cheltenham; Andrew Morrison/Mark Unsworth/Andy Kinnear/Thomas Mayo and students. Photography by Liam Fuller; digital print of letterpress posters; sewn binding in soft covers; 20.5 x 15cm; 2015

Who We Are

Stories about migration - education, understanding and compassion through cultural exchange edited by Jen Whiskerd and Andrew Morrison, printed risograph by Emma Evans at the Pittville Press; 24.5 x 20cm; edition of 80; 2018


Collage booklet made as part of LENvention letterpress project with nine other letterpress printers, collected works boxed by Jeff Rathermel; wooden type collage; 29 x 20cm; 2017 

Clash Book

Collaborative series of books made for ‘CLASH’ letterpress artists gathering; includes Angie Butler, Hazel Grainger, Lucy Guenot, Jen Harrison, Rachel Marsh, Jeff Rathamel, Elizabeth Willow, Philippa Wood; letterpress, stamping, collage; 2023

Oxford Museum Pamphlets

This was part of a collaboration with sculptor/printmaker Simon Packard made for the University Museums in Oxford and designed to be altered or developed by visiting students. Screenprint on single sheet, folded to concertina; unlimited edition; 29 x 21cm; 2013  


Poem Graeme Hobbs, with linocuts by AM. Edition of 40; 2014


Part of an ongoing series of prints with painter/illustrator Roy Hubbard of bird and plant themes; letterpress and woodcut; edition of 20; 70 x 37cm 2015


Poem collection from Maria Stadnicka with letterpress texts and woodcuts.

Toolbox drawing

Large wall drawings made for the Toolbox book (above); charcoal and graphite powder. Made with the craftspeople of Haselmere; 2016

The Impossible Just Takes Longer

From a series of prints with writer/photographer Jamie Harris. A highlight of these series was an article featuring our work in Vogue, however we were somewhat underwhelmed with the title We Love Graphic Prints. Letterpress; 58 x 37cm; 2008   

Curlew on Rainslack

Poems by Sarah Lee; images by Roy Hubbard – on each page the number of softrushes printed increases until the centrefold then decreases again.  Screenprint and letterpress; casebound; edition of 200; 15 x15cm; Published by Two Wood Press 2010